accountingcpd blog

  1. The Autumn Budget 2017: The Chancellor Avoids A Banana Skin

    Many had asked for a bold Brexit budget; the Chancellor has stated a more `balanced approach` but he just wanted to avoid another banana skin...

  2. Warning: European Data Regulations will Affect You

    You might have heard that European data regulations will be changing in 2018. You might have heard the term 'GDPR'. You most probably have thought...

  3. Are You Ready for the New General Data Protection Regulation?

    The objective of the new GDPR is to give EU citizens control over of their personal data, and to simplify the regulatory environment for business....

  4. ICAEW UK Economic Forecast: A Need for Unpopular Policies

    ICAEW has published its quarterly economic forecast for the UK. There are no startling findings but it is a useful overview nonetheless. They...

  5. The B-Word

    What would be the impact of Brexit on the business? After going around the issues for a few minutes, the answer emerged: none. While the business...

  6. UK Election: Where do the Parties Stand?

    Inaccuracy of past polls the voting public are finding this election hard to predict. Judging by their manifestos, what can UK businesses expect...