accountingcpd blog

  1. Institute of Directors publishes consultation document on a code of conduct for directors

    The IoD UK has recently published a consultation document on a Code of Conduct for Directors; a practical tool to help directors make better...

  2. Women as Leaders in Accountancy

    Internationally, women make up a significant percentage of accountants and auditors. According to statistics from Accountancy Age’s last survey...

  3. A guideline to significant dates in the workplace

    A diversity and inclusion calendar can aid workplaces in making inclusion a daily occurrence and regular aspect of an employee’s routine.

  4. Attract develop and retain a world class finance function

    How can you create a workplace that the accountants of the future will choose to stay in?

  5. Women in accounting: Continuing to break the glass ceiling

    On International Women’s Day 2023 we are celebrating the fantastic work they are doing to help push the industry forward.

  6. Skills Shortage Across the Accounting and Finance World

    Why is the accounting and finance sector currently facing a skills shortage?