accountingcpd blog

  1. Cash Flow is King

    It's often said that cash is king but, in SMEs, it's cash flow that is king. The business might look good on paper with regards to turnover...

  2. Tackling Late Payment

    Trade credit and financial credit can both be subject to late payment, but enforceable compensation clauses kick in when...

  3. ICAEW UK Economic Forecast: A Need for Unpopular Policies

    ICAEW has published its quarterly economic forecast for the UK. There are no startling findings but it is a useful overview nonetheless. They...

  4. Santander Acquisition of Banco Popular Espanol Should Set the Alarm Bells Ringing

    It was announced recently that Santander had acquired Banco Popular Español for €1, and that Santander intended to launch a rights issue and...

  5. Professional Scepticism and Cognitive Bias: A Challenge for Every Finance Professional

    Professional scepticism, or the lack of it, has long been acknowledged as a major issue in audit quality. But are the lessons being applied...

  6. The B-Word

    What would be the impact of Brexit on the business? After going around the issues for a few minutes, the answer emerged: none. While the business...